Beach Fellowship Church App

Access all the latest content from Beach Fellowship Church,
get connected to our online community, watch sermons, stay in the know on events, enjoy a full NIV bible, and much more.

Free eBible

A mobile ESV Bible that can be accessed anytime you need it. Easily change books and chapters of the Bible in just a few taps.

The Easiest Way to Give

Feel led to give? Want to streamline your tithes and offerings? Giving through the app is simple and easy!

Video Sermon Archive

Missed this week's sermon? Want to watch it again? Our full library of video sermons is at your fingertips.

Event Calendar

Forgot when the next event takes place? The app offers quick and easy access to the events calendar at Beach Fellowship. Check times and dates, and even access registration forms.

Community Access

If you are already a member of our online community, you can log in and view your information, update records, print giving statements, and more!

Resources for Youths

The integrated youth portal links you directly to the youth Facebook and Instagram page. View events, posts, photos, and more!

Get started now!