Learn more about Beach Fellowship


We anticipate and expect the presence of God in all of our gatherings! As we experience daily encounters with the presence of God, we behold His glory like looking in a mirror, which continually transforms us as we experience love, joy, and peace. Ultimately, encountering God daily enables us to live a life that is pleasing to Him and empowering to us. Both of these advance His Kingdom on earth just as it is in Heaven.


The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth. God does not desire hollow religious ceremonies. Rather, He expects us to come as we are and allow the living truth of His Word to guide and empower us to make life-changing choices that honor Him, honor our families, and honor one another.


Jesus said the world will know we are His disciples by the way we love one another. God’s love for all mankind is unconditional. No matter where you have been, what you have done, and how far away from God you may feel you are, God’s love for you is always available and unconditional. At Beach Fellowship, we encourage each other to love everyone with this same kind of unconditional love.

Our Beliefs

We believe you, like every person, has a God-given purpose, and we desire to help you find it. At Beach Fellowship, we are committed to helping you experience the love of Jesus Christ and to empowering you daily through the Holy Spirit. We aim to cheer you on through all the ups and down, and to help you live your life to the full extent of your potential.

Statement of Faith

We hold the Bible to be the most precious book to Jesus’ followers, the supreme source of truth for Christian believers, and the ultimate authority on all spiritual matters. This book is inspired by God, infallible, and completely reliable as our guide to life and knowing God.

What We Practice

At Beach Fellowship, we practice communion and baptism, the two symbols Christ gave us to remind us of His death and resurrection. These practices represent a commitment and personal relationship with Jesus, as well as a connection to our community, the Church.